Sunday, January 24, 2010

PASSIONS? (Thoughts on the Vikings games...from a different perspective)

(Disclaimer) This post will not be my usual whining/moaning about things I didn't like. If you don't read anything else, read the bold parts at the bottom...

But being the Vikings fan that I am, I would like to say a "few" things about the game. First off, as much as I didn't agree with the refs toward the end of the game, you gotta take it in stride...bitchin about it isn't gonna change anything, what happened with it.

For all those out there that said Brett Favre lost the game for the Vikings, you all need to shut the hell up (I apologize for the foul language, but I feel strongly about this). Favre almost single handedly kept us in the game, sure the interception was a mistake, but need I remind you, we didn't have to be in that position to begin with...12 men in the huddle is a HUGE coaching mistake, and unacceptable in the playoffs (let alone on a third down with the clock running down).

AP needs to learn to hold onto the ball, our offensive line was a sieve and the d-line got almost no pressure.

Now with some shout outs:
  • Who saw Berrian having such a clutch performance? he was a beast, coming up with ridiculous catches at opportune moments.
  • Brett Favre, for holding onto the ball until the last moment, countless number of times, and still playing his heart out...(and this is really hard for me to say...I'm a Favre hatr)
  • Jasper Brinkley - The rookie played an outstanding game from what I saw, especially for a rookie (he didn't blow that many assignments from what I saw)
  • The Saints team, for pulling it much as I hate to say it, they had a tremendous amount of pressure on them, well played, and I'll be cheering for you all in the Super Bowl...with my Vikings Jersey on!!! :P
This game reminded me so much of the 1998 season...where Gary "Perfect Regular Season" Anderson, missed a field goal at the end of regulation and we never got the ball back.

I'm not gonna lie (and you can ask all the guys I was with)...I WAS PISSED, I was cussing, and punching walls (and I think I sprained my wrist), but after the game, I was thinking about life, how pissed I was and how much Minnesota sports let me down (Wild and Twins in the playoffs, Vikings perpetually failing...Arizona game to get into the playoffs...ouch, etc.) and I realized how sad it was that I was so emotion about these sports...

Yes I know, some will say its just being a loyal fan, but come on...after all at the end of the day, we are talking about grown men playing a game...I'm NOT EVEN PLAYING in the game.

All sorts of images came to me, the gophers losing to the badgers in 06, the near losses in fantasy football (i know...sad), and I realized that I really am addicted to's depressing to realize just how much a loss depresses me. There's absolutely no reason to punch things to the point of hurting yourself, and to be honest, I get a heck of a lot more passionate about men throwing a pigskin around, than I do worshiping God.

I've been trying to do a better job this year of putting my priorities in place. When I'm hesitant to raise my hands to praise God cause I wonder what people will think of me, I remember that I don't even hesitate to praise a football player that I DONT EVEN KNOW, on a TV screen. It's really pathetic when I think about the lengths I'll go to praise "my" team, when in reality, it doesn't even matter.

God actually allows us to worship and praise him. He takes pleasure in it, and is with us as we do it. Why aren't out actions that much greater to someone who is supposed to be the greatest friend we will ever have, as opposed to the flawed human being on the TV screen...and believe me, they are flawed, even if they win all the championships in the world, they will let you down at one point.

OK, time for me to get off my pedestal now.

I'm not saying I won't cheer wildly for my teams, or watch sports anymore, but I am saying that I will try to pour more passion into following Christ...after all, its what I was made to do...

1 comment:

  1. oh that's why you punched a wall. now you can go punching walls for God! :P
